July 08, 2015

DIY: Mermaid Ombre Mason Jars

Hey Lovelies,

A few weeks ago I posted a photo on my instagram of a DIY project which I was working on. I have since had quite a lot of interest (** cough ** xxbrittersblog **cough**) in how I made them.

They really were very simple, cheap & didn't take that long to make at all. (winning)

What you will need:

Mason Jars
Acrylic Paint
Sponge (I got mine in the car wash section of Kmart for $1.50)
Craft Glue (you want one that will dry clear)

What to do:

1. Spread out an old sheet or newspaper to protect the area you are working on
2. Cut up large sponge into 8 or so pieces
3. Mix paints to make desired colours
4. Sponge paint onto mason jars

Tip 1: If you want a 'shiny finish' - similar to the plain pink jar - sponge inside the jar rather than the outside.

Tip 2: If you want an ombre affect - choose 3 colour which you want to make the ombre - I chose Blue, Purple & light pink - using a fresh sponge for each and gently overlapping each colour - go from the darkest to lightest shade.

5. Wait until paint has dried
6. Using a fresh sponge apply craft glue to desired areas - working in sections is easiest.
7. Pour glitter into a small bowl and sprinkle over glue. (I found pouring was easier & then pouring the fall out off the plate back into the bowl to reuse on the next section)

Tip 3: I mixed glitter colours together to help give a more mermaid/ombre affect.

And thats it - your done, you now have these cute mermaid inspired mason jars.

I use them as candle holders and also to store my make up brushes - but you can really use them for anything!

I have also made a quick video to help demonstrate how I made them.. BUT blogger won't allow me to upload it directly - If you want me to make a full video and upload it to my youtube channel please let me know & I would be happy to do so.

Happy DIY!

Talk Soon, S x.

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