July 04, 2016

Educate - For Your Health's Sake

Following on from my ‘Making a Change’ blog post, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite ‘health/wellness documentaries
’. I am slightly obsessed with these videos and could spend days, maybe weeks even caught up and researching the issues they bring up.

For me and many others, education is power – and in a day where everyone seems to be looking at quick fixes and fad diets – I feel a lot of people need to get back to basics and re-educate themselves on how to eat and what is truly healthy.

This is definitely a topic I am quite passionate about and I am seeing more issues with how today’s society approaches health and wellness.

To help bridge the education gap, I thought I would share with you all my TOP 5 health & wellness documentaries. Each of these documentaries left me feeling inspired, asking questions and wanting more. 

5. Vegucated 

This isn't so much about health and nutrition as a whole but solely focused on veganism. It follows the journey and discovery of 3 Americans from eating a 'normal' diet and being very closed off to the option of veganism. I liked that this was pushing the plant based agenda, demonstrating that we can eat and achieve the same results without including food products. Warning this documentary is graphic at times.

Watch the whole documentary here

4. Fed Up

One of the older documentaries, it has lots of solid great information, however it is not as punchy or as engaging as many of the others. I think this is possibly due to it being produced in 2002.

Watch the whole documentary here

3. Food Inc.

One of the first of these types of documentaries I watched which really cemented what I thought and helped open my eyes even further. I guess this fuelled my desire to know more, learn more and make better smarter decisions. - 'Warning' - this may turn you vegan - not that that would be a bad thing! 


2. Hungry for Change

It was tough to pick between this and my #1. This is a big eye opener, which leaves you feeling empowered, inspired and helps you regain your focus.

Click here to watch the trailer for Hungry for Change

1. That sugar Film

This is easily my favourite health documentary EVER. I don't feel I learnt anything massive from it as I have seen others and done so much research, but the way this video was put together was really punchy. It really left its mark, everyone I refer this video too absolutely loves it as well.

Click here to watch the trailer for That Sugar Film

I know there are many more, but these are just my personal top 5. Do you have any health and wellness documentaries that you love? I am always looking to expand my knowledge and widen my views. Make sure you leave a comment. 

S x. 


  1. Ooooohhh I have some new docos to add to my list now, thanks Shannon! My personal faves are less focused on health and more on inhumane things that happen to animals everyday (Earthlings, Blackfish). But beware, you need tissues.

    Kate | themintedblog.com

  2. I'm scared to watch any of them. I've been on the fence for so long now...maybe, as you said, this will help me make smarter decisions. I will let you know how I go...


  3. Great recommendations! I'm really focusing on being healthy and I get overwhelmed by all the info out there. I'll check these out xx

  4. These are amazing suggestions, I've not watched all of them but That sugar film was pretty life changing for me! x

  5. I've recently found out way more about vegetarianism and veganism so it is definitely something I'm wrestling with. I'm a bit like Tahana though, and afraid to watch them because they may force some big changes. It's a hard thing but good on you for putting this out there for consideration :)

    Emma | Rosy Disposition

    1. Oh yeah, once you watch them it is hard to forget. I am not 100% anything but I definitely like being informed about whats actually going on... :)

  6. I've heard sooooo many things about 'That Sugar Film' and I need to see it badly!

  7. Just wrote all of these on my 'Need To Watch' list! Thanks for the insight lovely!
    X Izzy www.izzywears.com

  8. Thanks for the list! Adding some of these to the to be watched list!

  9. I've seen all of these except the last one, looks like I've got a doco to wathc this weekend now :)

    1. Let me know your thoughts, that sugar film is one of my all time favs!!! :D
